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Company Admin “Privileges”

What are some of the key ways company admin are unique in iAlign?

This is a great question!

Company Admin are different in multiple important ways in iAlign, and because of this it's important to be selective with who has company admin (i.e., CA) access. Typically, members of the HR team and perhaps your head of IT could be given the company admin role.

Because company admin play such a key role for their organization in iAlign, there always has to be at least one active!


  • Company admin are the only users in the iAlign system who are able to see everyone else’s content regardless of if they are added manually to see that content or not.
  • Company admin not only can see everyone else’s content, they are also given editing privilege and can therefore update any content or add themselves to targets to close them out.
  • Remember, that for everyone who is not a company admin, their views are much more limited based on if the person making the content (visions, targets, check-ins) has designated that others can see it or not. We’ve carefully marked visibility settings so that everyone feels safe knowing who has access or not (for more, see our Privacy article).

Managing your iAlign Account

Company Admin are tasked with managing their organizations and have therefore have the abilit to go in and customize the iAlign experience.

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  • Users
    • While iAlign has an open directory so that anyone in your ecosystem and see the other members of your organization, as a company admin you’re the only one who can manage users (invite, deactivate, grant coaching access, etc.)
    • You are also the only one who can go change permissioning for different users based on their role
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    • Pro tip - Because company admin are so important, there always needs to be at least one active company admin. To make sure there’s never a case that an organization accidentally doesn’t have one, if you’re the only one for your organization we’ve locked it so that you can’t deactivate your user account until you designate someone else as a company admin.
  • Organizational settings and onboarding
    • iAlign is very customizable and you can set up and manage all of your organization’s settings under the Organization Settings section from the left navigation bar.
    • This helps set basic rules for how the system works, including how you’d like your people to get onboarded, which features they have access to, and how performance meetings are conducted.
    • Please note anyone who is not a company admin won’t even see this as an option in their left navigation panel.
  • Full reporting
    • While some of the user roles are able to see some of the internal iAlign reports, you’re one of the few that gets access to all report types (if you’re on a pricing plan that provides reporting)!
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