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I’m a private person – who can see what I put into the iAlign system?

Great question! Every level and feature of the system has options that should be clear as far as who you’re allowing visibility to it, from visions to targets to check-ins… if you have questions though, feel free to reach out and ask us more at Support@iAlign.Work. As a note, Company Admins within the system (typically HR or other personnel tasked with ensuring performance-related compliance) are the exception; they can see everything in the system old and new so they have the visibility they need to do checks for their jobs. In other words, they can see everything you input, even your content that is marked as being visible only to you.


On targets, those added to targets as being assigned to the target or to support and coach on a target are the only ones who can see the target information. If you aren’t sure who is added, click into a target details and look for the people on the top right. If someone is there they can see the target information, if they aren’t there (even if they’re your supervisor), they can’t see the target information.

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Again, the only exception to this is that company admin for your organization can see all information in the system.


Check-in visibility is similar to targets in that people who are added to view the results of the check-in can see everyone’s responses. If you want to know who can see results, look for the blue visibility icon with the shield and the drop down will clearly list the people and their role on the check-in.

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Some check-in types (like survey) have the option when setting up the check-in to make responses annonymous to anyone who can see them. You can always check if the survey is annonymous or not by if you see a grey lock icon next to the title (the locked lock indicates the survey is annonymous aka responses aren’t associated with the person giving the response)

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Visions have very clear privacy settings, when you create a vision you can select who you’d like to be able to see it.

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The top category of “Company” is only available to company admins and is visible to everyone at your organization, similar to the “Public” visibility option. However, Company visions are designed as company and can be used to cast broader organization-wide inspirations for the future. Other settings should be pretty straight forward except for “Tagged.”

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For the “Tagged” category, this allows you to select specific people you’d like to share your vision with and will open up a search/suggestion section after you click to select this

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