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The Coaching Difference

What do we mean at iAlign when we call someone a coach? Is it the same thing as a boss?

The Coaching Difference in Detail: Bosses oversee, enforce, and override VERSUS, coaches who listen, support, and develop their people.

In other words, coaches start with a different mindset - Coaches focus on being supportive, intentional, and future-oriented. Technically anyone who is well equipped for a specific target can be a coach, not just managers! The best coaches use the following approaches:

  • High frequency, efficient check-ins on progress towards milestones and targets
  • Purposeful, relationship-building conversations about performance
  • Recognizing and celebrating people for intentional, innovative work
  • Focusing on employing a strengths-centered development process
  • Aligning individual, team, and company targets
  • Fostering community engagement between people
  • Providing training resources and coaching best practice tips for managers and leaders
  • Effective alignment between employees and management comes when supervisors stop seeing themselves as bosses and start seeing themselves as coaches.

For managers to positively influence employee well-being, they must be upskilled from boss to coach so that they can have honest, meaningful, developmental conversations with their team. Remember, managers account for 70% of the variance in team engagement!

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