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Realignment Targets

What is the purpose of realignment targets and when should I use them with my people?

Realignment targets are for more serious circumstances when someone consistently isn’t hitting the metrics or requirements of their job. This can include instances where fairly major adjustments need to be made to that person’s performance, skillset, or interpersonal interactions in order for them to be able to keep their job.

Some of you may have used personal improvement plans (PIPs) or other similar strategies, realignment targets are similar in their use-cases.

HR Requirements

While your specific HR team may have certain requirements, typically it is a good idea to clearly document in the realignment target what led to it being necessary in the first place and what sorts of improvements you would need to see to keep this person in the role. Consider adding HR as a coach on the target and make sure you give the person with the realignment the support you need. Also remember that this is sensitive performance-related information and that certain legal and organizational policies likely dictate what you can and can’t do and who you can see this information. Again, if you have questions, ask HR.

If you’ve received a realignment target and you haven’t heard yet from HR, make sure you reach out to the, so everyone is on the same page!


In addition to being used to help clarify how to get back on track for someone, realignment targets are also used for formal documentation and can be used to help justify the process when unfortunately, someone has to be let go. Therefore, keep in mind that the content in them should be taken seriously and make sure that your interactions with them are thoughtful and intentional as a target creator, coach, or someone assigned to them.

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