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Job Targets - Tips for Coaches

Tips for setting up your people’s job targets

  1. Job targets can be created and assigned by you to your supervisees OR they can create their own if appropriate. It will depend on the person’s role - unless otherwise specified by your HR department, you will need to clearly communicate your expectations in the process to your people directly.
  1. Per HR requirements - Remember that core job targets should both consistent across people with the same job title/descriptions.
  1. If you’d like to set a stretch goal for some of your folks, we encourage those when helpful so feel free to do so, but have them be a separate target from core job targets (consider if it would be more appropriate to assign it as a professional development, personal growth, or competency target instead of job?)
  1. Please reach out to Internal HR regarding questions of what content you can and cannot have as a job target and the iAlign team ( with questions on strategies in setting up targets or to report bugs/issues.
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