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Version 2.0

Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes


In January we launched iAlign to TCW Global. Within the first couple months we saw many users making visions and targets but struggling with other aspects of the product. We took your feedback and went back to the drawing board.

Since then we have been refining many parts of iAlign. Everything from Visions to Success Stories has been refreshed to be quicker, cleaner, and more intuitive to use.

Please see below for the highlights of the product improvements.


Improved Design and Interface.

  • The whole product has gotten refreshed with a more modern, simple to use visual component set.
  • While we were at it, we re-vamped every form, and page of the product to reduce clicks to complete important core workflows and actions while making important items easier to find.
After (Wireframe)
After (Wireframe)

NEW: User Suggestions - Across All Features

  • People are now suggested across the product, This way you don’t have to search for people you work with often.
    • On this Job target, iAlign is Suggesting I assign myself (Coachee) and add my manager as coach (Coach)
      On this Job target, iAlign is Suggesting I assign myself (Coachee) and add my manager as coach (Coach)

IMPROVED: User Assignment - Across All Features

  • Directly search the directory by name, title, department or supervisor
  • Ability to “select all” easily.
  • Groups and individuals now function better together when selected on the target. Previously was not possible to assign objectives or check-ins to individuals from a group.
📽 Self-uploaded videos are not supported yet but they are coming soon 👀 Please use a third party video provider such as Youtube, Wistia or Vimeo in the meantime.


  • Updated look and feel
  • Improved chat functionality -
  • Improved “Create” experience
    • Live previews to inspect images and content before publishing.
    • Optimized field inputs and improved privacy controls.
    • Updated Vision Board → Community Visions and My Visions, with better sort and filter abilities.
  • Improve performance of loading times and effects.


Create Target

  • Rebuilt “Create target” experience with pre-filled logic for dates, suggested users, and simplified form so creating targets is easier and faster.
  • Roles:
    • Assigned: are people contributing to the target completion
    • Coaches: People who are supporting, facilitating or reviewing a target.
      • Lead Reviewer - You can now designate who will be the lead reviewer if there are multiple coaches. This person can edit / manage the target as well.
Notion image
Notion image

Target Details

  • Top Banner
    • Improved detail arrangement to more easily access important information
    • Added Quick actions to easily add people, skills, and strengths on a target.
    • Added Actions on each
  • Kendo
    • Check-ins
      • We consolidated ”My Check-ins” and “Team Check-ins” into one list, which is now determined based on your assigned role for the item, not the target. This way you will always see what is relevant to you on each list
      • Added the ability to “Create Check-in” from Kendo. Users can create a check-in for others on the target regardless of role.
    • Objectives
      • Coaches and Target Creator may now add an objectives directly from the Objective Kendo.
    • People
      • Shows Top 5 Strengths of members on the target
      • Now shows the summary by person for Objectives and Check-ins, along with Target Status and rating

Target Completion, Rating and Actions

  • Targets instead of being marked complete or incomplete are simply Submitted, and if required, are also rated. A Complete target means that target is closed, while the rating provides the context for the performance on the target.
  • Ratings can now be optional or required, allowing target creators to set better expectations for targets.
  • Users can now provide a self rating and reflection assessment when submitting targets, as well as a Lead reviewer for each user. Additional coaches may also rate users on targets as support reviewers.
  • Submit and Rate actions able to be completed from Target List.

Target library

  • Revised Kendo views
    • Assigned to me - Any target you are tagged as a contributor in “Assigned to”
    • Coaching - Any target you are tagged on as a coach. This means you are managing, coaching, facilitating, or supporting assigned users success and completion.
    • Submitted - Any target which has been submitted from either assigned to me, or coaching.
    • Archived - Any target you have achieved as it is no longer relevant.
    • All - All targets from previous categories with additional targets you have privileges’ to see based on the rule of “Assigned” as source of truth, or a target which you created.
      • 💡
        If you cannot find a target, lets say as a coach, it is likely your direct report did not add you as a coach.
  • Additional Actions added to the Action Kabob
    • Submit Target
    • Duplicate Target
    • Edit Target
    • Review Target
    • Archive Target
  • New default columns and ability to add new columns in Kendo Grid and saved to filters.
    • Self Review
    • Lead Review
    • etc.
  • Default Sorting to now show most relevant targets at top by status, then created date.


  • Now have a default status of No Action instead of in progress to clarify the appropriate status as input by an assigned user.


All Check-ins

  • Check-in Preview is now shown LIVE while creating a check-in to see how those assigned will view your check-in.
  • Start and End date have been changed to:
    • Start: Defaults to (Today) and can be changed.
    • Days :(1-365) User selects number of days those assigned have to complete.
  • Roles & visibility
    • Assigned - This is the person receiving the check-in to complete
    • Able to view responses - Anyone here are able to view the full details of the responses. This will be suggested as the Check-in creator and other user may be added here.
    • New “Visibility” feature allows people to know who will be able to read their responses while completing a check-in

General Check-ins are now Learning Check-in’s

  • Learning Check-ins are better at facilitating learning experiences.
  • Users are able to share content/media to review and choose to require responses or attachments.
  • Learning Check-ins also have a reply function where the check-in creator can reply to the learnings shared by those assigned.


  • Survey form has been simplified and revamped!
    • New Question builder makes it easier to create surveys
  • Skills Rating function while similar has an improved survey experience to complete ratings for multiple skills and multiple people more quickly

NEW Check-in Type: Feedback Request (GIF)

  • This is a quick way to get feedback from your coach, your peers, or those you manage.
  • Based on your target role, it will generate a list of questions helpful for you to gather feedback. We combined an open question with a a few suggested questions so you can now easily request feedback within a few clicks
Notion image

Templates 2.0


  • Template rules updated and are now saved without users or template
    • 💡
      If you want to re-use a target already made, check out the “Duplicate Target” action to issue a new target immediately. This duplicate will allow you to draft a new target with all people, objectives and check-ins from the target.
  • Template Library
    • NEW: Ability for Company Admins to issue Company Templates for anyone to use.
    • REVISED: My Templates list now shows any template you have made and is private to you.
  • Improved actions
    • Details - See full details of a template before using
    • Preview Template - Quick preview the without leaving the template library. (Not in staging yet)
    • Duplicate Template - Create a duplicate of template in “My Templates”
    • Use Template - Activates the template by issuing a draft target ready to use!
    • Delete Template - Ability to delete templates from My Templates or Company Templates (CA Only)

Target Templates

  • Company Templates and My Templates
  • Better functionality of dates, objectives and check-in on creation flow.

Check-in Templates

  • Decide the best launch date for a check-in on a template. Users now have the ability to set either Sequencing (Starting x days after start date), or Default start date to “Immediately”
  • Improved actions to manage Check-in templates
    • Use, Edit, Preview, Duplicate, Delete.


  • Improved onboarding with less steps to complete.
  • Improved image selection experience
  • Better management for Company Admins around questions during onboarding.


Notion image
Notion image
  • Refresh theme look and feel to be more modern and clean.
  • Top Banner
    • Modernized look and feel, with responsive options to upload photo or background if skipped during onboarding.
    • Added Summary screens to objectives, targets and check-ins so you can quickly access more information without a re-direct
    • Company Target Widget now includes Department Targets which you are assigned on as coach OR assigned. This way you can keep your big team goals in mind each time you login.
  • Kendo
    • Simplified to show most recent 10 Targets and Success Stories
  • Widgets
    • Badge widget: now shows the most recent badges given in the organization and now includes who gave it.
      • Improved email updates for Badges.
      • Both the badge receiver and their supervisor will receive an email notification which clicking the link will take you directly to the badge in view.
    • Coming soon: Advanced Dashboard widgets showing more highlights across the organization


**Before and After Image coming**


  • Revised display of top banner photos and information
  • Ability to edit banner and profile photo directly


  • My Story Shows your Q&A and About me Video.
  • My Visions Shows this users visions which logged in user may see (ex. not private visions)
  • My Targets shows any target this user is on, which logged in user may also see (Assigned)


  • Updated each widgets look and feel.
  • Badges - Now show all badges of user by most recent including who sent this badge.

User List

  • General UI updates.

Misc other items

  • Global Search - Better differentiation of results for People and Targets
  • User profile images now clickable to Profile page.
  • Improved Skeleton loader and place holders
  • Updated Copy Public Link on visions
  • New Improved Linked Target Visualization
  • Improved Vision flow and privacy options to be more clear
  • implemented side tracker to support user journey.
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