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What is a Success Story?

Keep the end in sight while interacting with the iAlign system!

Welcome to the "Success Story" feature! This feature is designed to help you have a more productive and successful conversation with your manager about your targets (aka SMART goals) and progress. With a Success Story, you can select the targets you want to discuss with your manager, put in pre-meeting agenda notes, and capture any post-meeting takeaways.

Broad overview

The Success Story has several benefits. It helps employees in their 1-on-1s by:

  • Facilitating a focused, collaborative performance discussion
  • Capturing employee success KPI's
  • Including moments of significance
  • Providing both qualitative & quantitative data points regarding performance metrics


We’ve had some feedback this part has been confusing - so we wanted to provide extra directions. The most important part to know is that you will create your success story from the Targets tab by selecting the “create” blue button on the top right and then multi-selecting which targets you want to add. This will then generate a right side pusher where you will fill out the other details (e.g., who you will be meeting with, title, pre-meeting notes, etc.) before you make it.

After you have made a success story, you can return to it or any other pre-existing ones from the Report section via the left navigation bar.

Pro tip - You can also find your previously created success stories and performance reviews if you scroll down on your main dashboard and go to the “reports” tab of the “Portfolio” table section

Here's how to use the Success Story feature:

Step 1: Select Your Targets First, select the targets you want to discuss with your manager. Targets are the specific goals you are working towards, such as completing a project, developing a new skill, or meeting a sales quota. This feature allows you to choose which targets you want to focus on during your conversation with your manager.

Step 2: Add Pre-Meeting Agenda Notes Next, add any pre-meeting agenda notes you have. These notes can include any important information or updates about your progress towards your targets, challenges you've encountered, or questions you have for your manager. This feature helps you organize your thoughts before the meeting and ensure that you cover everything you want to discuss with your manager.

Step 3: Capture Post-Meeting Takeaways After the meeting, you can capture any post-meeting takeaways. This feature allows you to record any action items, decisions, or next steps that were discussed during the meeting. This is a great way to keep track of your progress towards your goals and ensure that you are following up on any commitments made during the conversation.

Tips to getting the most out of Success Stories

By using the Success Story feature, you can have more productive and successful conversations with your manager. However, there are a few evidence-based tips that can further enhance the effectiveness of your performance conversations. Here are three tips to keep in mind:

  1. Prepare Ahead of Time: Research shows that employees who prepare for performance conversations are more likely to have successful outcomes. Before the meeting, take some time to reflect on your performance, identify your strengths and areas for improvement, and think about what you want to discuss with your manager. Use the Success Story feature to organize your thoughts and create an agenda for the meeting.
  1. Focus on Solutions, not just Problems: It's natural to want to talk about the challenges you've faced, but it's important to also focus on potential solutions. Research shows that employees who come to the meeting with potential solutions to problems are more likely to have successful conversations. Think about ways you can address any challenges you've encountered and come prepared to discuss them with your manager.
  1. Ask for Feedback: Performance conversations should be a two-way dialogue. Research shows that employees who ask for feedback from their manager are more likely to improve their performance. Be open to constructive criticism and ask for specific feedback on how you can improve. Use the Success Story feature to capture any feedback and make a plan for how to implement it.

By using these evidence-based tips in combination with the Success Story feature, you can maximize the effectiveness of your performance conversations and achieve your career goals.

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