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Skills Rating Survey Overview

What is a Skills Rating Survey and how do you use them?

Skills rating surveys are an awesome, proprietary resource for you in iAlign!


What is a skills rating survey? They are behaviorally-grounded surveys that can be added to targets as a special kind of check-in. Each skills rating survey (i.e., SRS) is made up of 10 questions, so they are a super quick way to get helpful feedback about a skill.


Why are they helpful? As a manager, 1) they give you a tool to gather multi-source feedback about how your people are doing. 2) As someone interested in getting a gauge on how you’re doing and if you’re growing, its a great way for you to gather actionable insights into what to do concretely do to enhance your performance at work!


How do I access them? There are 35 skills pre-programmed in the iAlign system and therefore 35 corresponding skills rating surveys. Skills rating surveys can be added to any target (e.g., doesn’t have to be a professional development target).

Creating skills rating surveys are super quick to create; just enter a title & description, how long it’ll be live for, which skills you’d like rated, and specify the people involved and send it over! You can monitor responses to your shinny new skills rating directly from the target details 😊
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What results do I get? Skills rating survey results get displayed in an easily interpretable manner with behaviors that you should start doing (i.e., they are helpful for the skill but you’ve been rating as not doing them or not doing them often), continue doing (i.e., helpful behaviors you are already doing - great job!), and stop doing (i.e., behaviors which are harmful that people have said you sometimes do that you should try and cut out of your repertoire).

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