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Skills Definitions

What are the 35 iAlign skills and what do they mean?

Skills ratings are a type of check-in in the iAlign system, they offer a dynamic complement to targets by collecting multi-source feedback based on observable behaviors. This approach ensures objectivity and reduces emotional bias, all while providing constructive feedback framed around specific actions. The results are presented in a clear start, stop, continue framework, making it easy to understand and act upon. This tool not only supports employees in benchmarking their skills and tracking their development over time but also empowers them to take charge of their growth in a supportive, non-punitive manner. By integrating skills ratings, employees can effectively identify growth opportunities and take actionable steps towards achieving their career goals.

There are 35 pre-built skills within the iAlign system; while all can be used within most jobs, we’ve outlined in under which circumstances each skill will be most impactful to effectively leverage it.

  • Active listening is useful to show others that you understand a conversation through verbal and non-verbal cues.
  • Administrative skills enables you to coordinate and organize efficiently.
  • Analytical skills helps you find logical solutions to difficult problems.
  • Attention to detail is impactful when you know the nitty gritty is important to achieve excellent completion of a project.
  • Clear communication is necessary when you need to fully convey complex and relevant information to others.
  • Conflict management is helpful when you’re trying to resolve disputes and find appropriate solutions.
  • Creative problem-solving is impactful when you’re tackling problems that require innovative strategies.
  • Critical thinking is required for you to effectively evaluate information and craft well-thought-out plans.
  • Customer service is useful when you consistently assist and support your clients by addressing their needs.
  • Delegation is helpful when you assign tasks and organize people.
  • Dependability is handy to hold yourself accountable to your duties and choices.
  • Effective coaching is impactful for you to continuously guide, develop, and support others.
  • Emotional intelligence is handy for you to manage relationships and effectively engage with other people.
  • Flexability is handy in helping you to remain adaptable in unexpected situations.
  • Good judgement is useful for you to discern relevant information and make wise decisions.
  • Inclusivity/Diversity Values is impactful when you embrace the unique characteristics of others.
  • Initiative is helpful when you need forward action to get momentum going.
  • Innovation is handy for you to create or update ideas and systems.
  • Integrity is important when you need to stand up for what is right even when its not easy.
  • Job-specific knowledge entails learning and understanding all of your work responsibilities.
  • Leadership skills is most impactful when you’re motivating a team to accomplish a shared goal.
  • Literacy skills is handy for you to understand and communicate written material.
  • Networking is useful for you to make professional connections.
  • People management is helpful for you to optimize the performance of others.
  • Perseverance/self-motivation is impactful when you need to finish a task or when something is hard to stick with it.
  • Persuasiveness is handy for you to convince others to see your side or win someone over.
  • Physical ability is useful when your job requires physical power or talent.
  • Planning is helpful when you’re strategizing a course of action.
  • Professional presentation is most important when representing yourself or your organization well.
  • Safety knowledge is critical in dangerous situations when you understand and practice well-being behaviors.
  • Self-control is helpful to regulate your own emotions during challenging circumstances.
  • Strategic thinking is impactful when you need to weigh all options carefully to make the best choice.
  • Teamwork is handy for you to encourage people to work towards a common goal.
  • Technology abilities is useful when you need software and virtual platforms to optimize performance.
  • Time management is helpful when you need to prioritize tasks to increase overall performance.
Now that you know that they are, try tagging them to an active target and sending out a corresponding skills rating survey! Check out the next article in our series for more helpful tips:
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