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Check-in Templates

A brief introduction into creating check-in templates!

If you find yourself often sending the same check-in on multiple targets, save time by adding it as a personal check-in template!

Getting there - For check-in templates, simply pop open that left navigation panel and select the “Check-ins” option.

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Creating a template from scratch - From the template list, you can create a new check-in template from the blue button on the top right!

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  1. Select which type of check-in you’d like to create (Learning, Survey, or skill rating)
  1. Then fill in the basic check-in information, if you’d like, you can select to set up timing with our sequencing rules:
      • Note that if you choose the “Immediately” option for templates this does not in fact send it out immediately (because it’s a template). What this does do is set it so as soon as you publish this check-in to an active target it will go out right away or if the the target is a draft/planned, it will go out right when the target is launched.
      • Similarly, if you schedule “Set Days” what this does is add a wait time for the number of days you set from the start date of the target. So if you specify 14 days in the Set Days area, the check-in will take the target start date and smart schedule it to have the check-in go live in 2 weeks after that.
  1. You’ll notice of course that the experience is much like making a regular check-in, just minus adding people (you’ll do that when you add a check-in to a target using the template)
  1. And from your list you can always manage your own check-in templates or preview any of them to remember what each entails.
  1. And that’s it! If you’re a power check-in user, templates will be your friend since you can create anything you send out often as a template and then it’s just as easy as searching for it by it’s title and adding the appropriate people.

Using company check-in templates - Your company admin may also generate content you can use. Just as with your own templates, you can preview any check-in template prior to deciding if you want to use it.

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  • The only difference of course is if you don’t have access to manage company templates, you can simply use them, but won’t be able to edit or otherwise manage them.

And that’s it! Pretty simple to set up, but a little time invested in creating templates now will drastically spead up the process of adding check-ins to any target down the road… Happy template creating 😊

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