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What is a Target?

Short definition and overview of targets

A target is a main focus area or an intentional, well-defined goal

By design - Targets address the “what,” “how,” and “when” of goal setting for everyone – employees, managers, departments, and organizations. Targets help employees and supervisors calibrate the focus, process, and steps towards goals and projects. Targets are designed to intuitively guide the creation of clear communication channels and automatically document expectations between people about expected results in a time-bound framework.

Why make targets? - Setting targets for yourself (and writing them down) has been shown to significantly help you actually achive them. If you’re a people manager or leader, setting larger team/company targets also provides often much-needed clarity to your people on what you believe success looks like and can align everyone so they are “rowing” in the same direction!

The details? - In iAlign, we have different types of targets to help clarify the main focus for each target. But we are also well-aware that often targets have multiple desired outcomes and can bridge 2+ types, so don’t get too hung up on the type. Read more about the different target types here if you’d like to. Also know that overall, targets are designed to be adapatable and can be easily edited to reflect changes in circumstances or shifting priorities, so don’t feel that creating them will make you too “locked in.”


Want more? Click here to read our next article on how to create your first target!

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