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What is a Check-in?

Quick definition and case for using check-ins

Check-ins enhance performance by facilitating a continuous updates and feedback process

Check-ins provide constant alignment and regular touchpoints via messages, surveys and shared multimedia from coaches and supervisors to their people. They are both structured and adaptable, making them an effective way to collaborate in a wide variety of workspaces and industries. For example, they can be a way to gather multi-source feedback about skills development, send over relevant learning materials, or to assess progress on a specific project.


Types? - iAlign currently has skills rating surveys, custom surveys, feedback requests, and learning check-ins. Each type has its own advantages and use-cases. Quick feedback requests facilitate fast, light touch points between two people, surveys are optimized for very customized longer exchanges of information, and learning check-ins are best for sending over information to someone else for them to watch or read through and respond.

Why use check-ins?

  • Increase ease and access to learning and development for people via continuous feedback.
  • Shift the feedback narrative from a list of failures to how to improve approaches towards future work.
  • Provide consistent accountability and visibility for remote, hybrid, and in-person workers.
  • Allow employees and employers to quickly generate reports of actual completed tasks, projects and goals for evaluations, job descriptions etc. rather than relying on memory.
  • Enhance the experience of work by embracing human connection and collaboration.

Where do check-ins β€œlive”?

Because science supports the importance of having context when checking-in with someone else, all check-ins are housed within a target. This helps people sending check-ins to be more specific about what they are interested in and those receiving the check-in understand what the person sending was actually asking about. To see a compiled list of every check-in on a target, you can view them all from the target details page.

Pro-tip: Aim for frequent, focused, and future-oriented check-ins for maximum impact!
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