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Frequency of Software Engagement

Is there a certain schedule of how often I should be logged into iAlign and doing things?

Using iAlign regularly is key to unlocking its full potential!

However, the ideal frequency can vary based on your team, organization, and individual goals. Here are some guidelines to help you make the most of iAlign:

General Recommendations

We recommend logging into iAlign at least once a week. This routine helps you stay aligned with your targets and visions, update your progress, and keep informed about your team's activities. If you haven't logged in for over two weeks, you might notice a decline in benefits, as the value you get from iAlign correlates directly with the effort you invest in it.

For Coaches

As a coach, it's essential to check in on your coaching targets and your team members roughly once a month. This frequency ensures that your people are prioritizing their targets and reaching out for help when needed. While regular check-ins are beneficial, doing so more than once a week on the same target can be counterproductive and might be perceived as micromanaging.

Setting Targets

A common question is, "How many targets should I have?" iAlign targets are meant to be key focus areas rather than extensive to-do lists. Aim to have fewer, more impactful targets. We recommend maintaining about 3-7 active targets at any given time. This range allows you to focus on significant goals without feeling overwhelmed. Remember, you might also be part of broader company or department targets, but it's crucial to have individual targets that align with these larger goals.

Tips for Maximizing iAlign Engagement

  • Weekly Reviews: Set aside time each week to review and update your targets. This habit keeps your goals front and center.
  • Team Updates: Use iAlign to stay in the loop with your team's progress and challenges. Regular updates foster better collaboration and support.
  • Progress Tracking: Consistently track your progress to identify what's working and what needs adjustment. This proactive approach helps you stay on track.
  • Feedback Loop: Encourage open communication within your team. Regular feedback can provide insights and drive improvements.


Q: What if I miss a few weeks?

A: Don't worry! Simply log back in, review your targets, and update your progress. It's never too late to get back on track.

Q: What if I realize after the fact that a project that seemed small at first has grown significantly in size and impact?

A: Great question! This is a perfect situation to use back-dated targets. Back-dated targets are fantastic for highlighting the impact you and your team are achieving. It's common for projects to evolve and grow beyond initial expectations, and back-dated targets help capture this growth. By doing so, you can ensure that all significant efforts are documented and recognized.

Q: How can I encourage my team to use iAlign more frequently?

A: Lead by example. Regularly share your updates and celebrate your team's progress. Setting a routine for iAlign usage can also help establish good habits.

Need more tips or have additional questions? Reach out to us anytime! We're here to help you get the most out of iAlign.

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