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Closing a Target

What does closing a target do?

Excellent question! Functionally-speaking, closing a target simply moves it out of the list of active targets you are currently focused on.

Why should I close a target? You can close it for yourself (or others if you’re a coach) once it is no longer something you intend to focus on accomplishing. This can be because 1) you achieved it successfully (woo!), 2) priorities have shifted, or 3) you’d like to creat a new target that more accurately represents where you’d like to put your current/future attention.

Providing a rating & written reflection - When you close out a target, you will be prompted to provide a rating on how the target went. Try to be as objective as possible when providing a rating either for yourself or someone else. You can also provide a written reflection to accompany the rating on why you think the rating you choose was appropriate. This is also the place you can provide helpful feedback to those assigned to the target as a target coach.

Are ratings required? For most targets, by default a rating & reflection is optional. However, we strongly encourage you do them - science shows its one of the most powerful ways to improve future performance and growth! For some targets, if the “rating & review” setting is toggled on, both the person assigned the target & and the lead reviewer of the target will be required to rate and reflect before they can formally close out the target.

How do I close out a target for myself?

There are two places you can close out a target from. The target kendo list or from the target detail page.

  1. Mark the target as done
  1. Select the rating you’d like to give
  1. And provide any written reflection notes you’d like as takeaways
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