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Creating User Groups

How to create user groups to more quickly add people on targets and check-ins

What are user groups and why would I add them? Basically, it can make assigning people to targets and check-ins a lot quicker… for example, at one company we work with there is a core team of folks from different departments who manages our volunteer and community enhancement efforts - we could make them as a user group!

Taking time to initially make user groups can drastically reduce the time it takes to create targets and check-ins later!

Where do I go to make user groups?

Just head to the Users view from the left navigation, select the “User Groups” tab at the top, and select from the drop down on the right.

Notion image

There are 2 options for creating user groups

1.) You can make a user group by manually selecting people from the list, adding a name for the group, and hitting save…

Notion image

Or 2.) you can use rules to make dynamic user groups.

Notion image

We have a few useful categories; you can select just one or add additional ones to further whittle down who you’d like in the group.

  • Title
    • This includes all the job titles that are in iAlign for your organization
  • Duration of service
    • This references when the user’s start date
    • It’s super helpful for making groups like for things like onboarding or only launching certain targets out after people have been at your organization for at least a year, etc.)
  • Department
    • Includes all of the teams in your organization, you can select one or more
  • Location
    • Includes all of the physical locations for users in your organization
    • This can be especially helpful if certain offices have different initiatives or functions
    • Pro tip - User groups created using rules are dynamic, so if there are new people who fit the group’s rules (e.g., they are promoted with a new job title), they will get added to active targets assigned to that group seamlessly!

      Happy group-making!

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