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Coaching Access

How do I have people with user roles that are not called “coach” be coaches on targets for my organization?

Anyone who is a mentor, supervisor, or support person can be a coach! As a super admin, sometimes that means you need to update a user that you want to be available to be added as a coach…

While anyone who is assigned a user role with the word “coach” in it (e.g., Department Coach) can automatically be added as a coach on a target, other people in other roles may be useful to have as coaches on targets too! So, how do you as a company admin let other people who should be searchable to add as a coach have that ability?

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  1. Head to the user directory from the left navigation panel
  1. Click on the small person on the far right of the user table
  1. Select “OK” to grant this access!

Note, you can also revoke coaching access for people using the same workflow.

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You can also grant or revoke coach access via bulk actions if you’d like to change it for multiple users at once. Just note that the system is smart so you need to select users who all either have access or all don’t have access (it can’t change status for a mixture of some who have it and some who don’t).

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