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Adding New Users

Technical how-to guide of the steps to add users to iAlign

Time to add users into iAlign? Exciting! There are two ways you can do this - you can add users individually via a manual process or you can bulk upload an Excel document to get multiple users’ info in at once.

Manually Adding Users

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  1. Navigate to the user directory section via the left navigation bar
  1. Click “Add User” button on the top right-hand side
  1. Fill in their relevant information. Go ahead and hit save in the top right. Note. Employee ID can be anything you want if you don’t use IDs at your organization - there just can’t be two iAlign users with the same employee ID. Adding strengths at the bottom is optional, the user can also add those themselves later.
  1. Now, and this is super important(!), they will be created in the system as a “pending” user UNTIL YOU INVITE THEM. Go to the user directory and select the pending user (or you can invite multiple pending users at the same time) by using the boxes on the left side of the user table list.
  1. Then use the drop down of “Actions” on the top right to select the “Send Invite.”

Now your part is done! They will receive an email invite to create a password, on-board, and get their account set up.

Bulk Uploading Users

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If you want to bulk upload users to get more user accounts in all at once you can also do this

  1. Again, navigate to the user directory section via the left navigation bar
  1. Select the “Upload Users” options on the top right. Then download the template if you haven’t yet...
  1. Enter in all the user information into the Excel document (try to follow the example as closely as possible) and save it
  1. And then upload the Excel file. Voila! They should be created as pending users visible in your directory.
  1. If there are titles, departments, or locations in your Excel file upload that weren’t already input in the organization configuration, they will get auto added in once you upload the file (aka you are not required to have those already input prior to upload). Super handy!
  1. And again, you will need to find the “pending” users you are ready to invite and select them using the boxes on the left side of the user directory table. Then use the drop down of “Actions” on the top right to select the “Send Invite.”
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