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Target Types

A brief overview of the different target types

Target Types

Use the target types to help clarify the intention behind each target!
  1. Company: Organization-wide (assigned to all users in an org). They can be used to get everyone in the same boat with a shared mission or goal. For example, a company-wide target could be to achieve a 10% increase in overall customer satisfaction over the next year. This type of target ensures that every employee, regardless of their role, understands and contributes to this shared objective, fostering a unified direction and collaborative effort across the organization.
  1. Job: Communicates the central aspects of a job and are often more on the individual level. For instance, a sales representative might have a job target to achieve a specific sales quota each quarter. These targets clarify the key responsibilities and expectations of the individual’s role, ensuring they are focused on the critical tasks that drive their performance and contribute to the company’s success.
  1. Department: Describes the main objectives for a group of people or team. For example, the marketing department might have a target to launch three successful marketing campaigns in a year. Department targets help align the team’s efforts with the overall company goals, ensuring that each member understands their contribution to the team’s objectives and works cohesively towards achieving them.
  1. Professional Development: Use these to describe the pathways for career growth. It can include a detailed plan on how to move someone forward as well as formally document that they are ready for the next step up. For example, a professional development target for a junior developer might include completing a certification in a new programming language and leading a small project. These targets help employees understand the steps they need to take for career advancement and provide a clear pathway for growth within the organization.
  1. Competency: Helps direct individuals and/or groups of people on specific skill sets that are needed. For instance, a competency target for a customer service team might involve training on a new customer relationship management (CRM) system. These targets focus on developing the necessary skills and knowledge that employees need to perform their jobs effectively and contribute to the company’s success.
  1. Personal Growth: Helps individuals or coaches set forward-focused goals. For example, an employee might set a personal growth target to improve their public speaking skills by attending workshops and presenting at company meetings. These targets support personal development, helping employees to build their confidence and capabilities, which can also positively impact their professional performance!
  1. Realignment: When other types of targets are not accomplished and a new plan needs to be put in place, this can be used. For example, if a team consistently misses its targets, a realignment target might involve a detailed action plan to address the issues, including additional training or resources. These targets help to reset and redirect efforts towards achieving desired outcomes and provide a structured approach for constructive improvement.

Note company admins do have the ability to change these target type names under the organization’s configuration settings if other labels are better suited to their organization’s culture - so if the names you see aren’t the same as these, ask HR what they’ve decided to call each target type!

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